KERI Insight
The Political Economy of the Proliferation of FTAs
05. 7. 22.
Yung Chul Park, Shujiro Urata, Inkyo Cheong
Even if bilateral FTAs in East Asia appeared to have taken off in recent years, be warned that they could, on the reverse side, be a barrier to further progress in achieving regional trade integration, particularly given that the current trend of East Asian bilateralism contains in it new trade barriers. Severe regionalism, for example, due to the proliferation of bilateral FTAs, has not only weakened the cohesiveness of the ASEAN +3 (ASEAN plus Korea, Japan, and China), but has also distracted leaders from furthering financial cooperation and exchange rate stabilization policy coordination amongst them. This report draws attention to the possible side effects of deepening bilateral regionalism and considers the role and status for each of the ASEAN + 3 countries by lending some insights from political economy. In addition, the report considers several alternative scenarios for the East Asian countries that would help create more viable wide-ranging trade integration in East Asia beyond the current focus on bilateral FTAs.
I. Introduction
II.Strategies of East Asian Countries for Negotiating FTAs
II-1. Recent Developments of FTAs in East Asia
II-2. Factors behind the Proliferation of FTAs in East Asia
II-3. Increasing Regional Economic Integration in East Asia
II-4. FTA Strategies of East Asian Countries
III. Economic Effects of FTAs
III-1. Theoretical Considerations
III-2. Review of Empirical Studies
III-3. Potential Economic Impacts of FTAs in East Asia: A Review of Simulation Analysis
IV. Market Access in Major FTAs
V. Rules of Origin in East Asian FTAs
V-1. Theoretical Survey on ROO
V-2. Analysis of ROO in Major FTAs
V-3. Overall Assessment
VI. Negotiated Liberalization or Protectionism?
VII. Prospects for Trade Integration in East Asia in Lieu of Conclusions
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