KERI Insight
Economic Performance of Korean Firms and Evaluation of Restructuring Tools during Financial Crisis
03. 6. 24.
In this study, the author using data for 4,022 Korean firms examines the trend of accounting productivity, the absolute productivity levels measured by labor productivity, capital productivity and technical efficiency, and the total factor productivity change that includes specifically technological change, scale economies and technical efficiency change. Based on the measures for the periods before and after the outbreak of the 1997 financial crisis, the author attempts to better understand the possible path of future economic growth.
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
1. Concepts of productivity and efficiency
2. Analytical tools for decomposition of total factor productivity change
3. Empirical model
4. Construction of panel data
5. Parameters estimates of production function
III. Restructuring and Economic Performance of Firms
1. Figures of restructuring after the financial crisis
2. Brief descriptions of accounting productivity
3. Efficiency and productivity level and their growth rates
IV. Restructuring and Economic Performance of Industry
1. Figures of restructuring after the financial crisis
2. Brief descriptions of accounting productivity
3. Efficiency and productivity level, and their growth rates
V. Technical Efficiency and Restructuring Policies
1. Overall Figures of Restructuring
2. Model for the influence on the efficiency of restructuring
3. Specification of the production function and estimation
4. Effects of restructuring tools for technical efficiency
VI. Conclusion
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